Creating your own website may seem like a way to save money, but it is harder than you think. If you don't know how to code, this is a long, tedious process to create a professional-looking website. If you know a little about coding a website, you can still miss a few things.
Here are the biggest mistakes of DIY websites.
Using free web templates
Free website templates can make it easy for you to create a generic website quickly. However, these make your website look like every other website out there. It can affect your potential client's perception of whether you are credible and experts in your field.
Not user-friendly
If your website isn't easy for people to manage or navigate through they won't use it. When people without web design experience create websites, they are often unaware of what an average internet user deems as an easy to use website.
Missing the call-to-action
The call-to-action is what drives your website visitor to purchase your product or service. Without it, you'll lose sales.
Missing SEO
If your website isn't visible to google, it might as well not exist. SEO makes your website viewable to people searching for companies that provide your service or products, but without it, no one will see your website.
Didn't think about mobile
If your website isn't compatible for mobile viewing, you'll be missing a huge opportunity for reaching potential clients that are browsing on the go. People want a fast-responding website when they use their smart phone, so your website needs to be compatible.
Do you know the real value of a professional looking website? You may want to save some money on web design and do it yourself, but it can hurt your potential sales. Your company website is the first impression you give to a potential customer. It should stand out, look professional, and be user-friendly. Contact us today to help you create an outstanding, professional website.