At Work |
Role at REM:
Customer Support Representative
Diploma, Scientific and Technical Illustration
Work Experience:
Photography Retoucher, Graphic Designer, Fine Artist, Administrative Assistant.
Something that Makes Me Smile at Work:
Clever, unexpected, non-malicious pranks
Favourite |
Web site:
Don't have one.
Your God Is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan
Popcorn, chocolate, steak
TV Show:
Don’t have a TV now, but was on a CSI kick when I had one.
Musical Artists:
No favourites because I appreciate a huge spectrum of genres. Not a fan of Screamo though. I can even handle Zydeco for a bit.
Time of Day:
I like different things about each one.
Places in the World:
Remote, pristine, breath-taking natural areas.
Recreational Activities/Hobbies:
Hiking, biking, painting.
Don’t have one.
Least Favourite |
Cooking and shopping.
Time of Day:
Between 10:00 pm and sleep.
Crowded, busy, loud places, bursting with people.
More Info |
Best Thing Someone Said to You:
When asked how he was, in casual, passing conversation, an elderly gentleman replied without hesitation: “I am smoother than the fuzz on a toad's wrist.”
Favourite Quote:
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
- Dr. Howard Thurman
My Hero:
People who don’t know they are heroes, who live life in ways that put others ahead of themselves.
One of the Things I Find Fascinating:
That we can never know for sure what someone else’s ‘red’ looks like; is it the same as what I see as red?
Most People Don’t Know This About Me:
I like spiders and can ride a unicycle.
Christine Alon
August 7, 2015 at 9:02 AM
This is an awesome post! It looks great and I like the neat layout! I like getting know more about my coworkers :) I like CSI and I was also a photo retoucher one time too. Hehe!