AdministratorsThe Administrators module is the module that you use to add, delete and edit profiles of people who are allowed to access WebWiz@rd and therefore those who are allowed to update your website. Each administrator can be given separate module permissions depending on their role within your company. Perhaps you want one administrator to only edit the Page Content and the Newsflash, while you want another user to only be responsible for Blog postings. The primary administrator can put these restrictions in place. A few of the modules also have what we call, "Restricted Options". This means that although an administrator has been given access to the Newsletters module, for example, they can not distribute the newsletter on their own. They need to ask the primary administrator for their approval first. |
My favourite thing about this module: | I appreciate the fact that you can update your administrators profiles and permissions as frequently as you wish. This flexibility is essential since responsibilities for website maintenance can often change within a company. |
Some customers that use this module: | REM Web Solutions and all of our WebWiz@rd customers. |
Industries that are well suited for this module: | This modules is not industry specific. It is a "must-have-module" and that is why it is included in the Essential Suite. |