Customer success is the most important of our Guiding Principles (which is why you see it appear twice!).
Being the main technical support contact for our customers, I can definitely understand why the success of their website is extremely important. Because I work on and one-on-one basis with our customers I get to see the website from the beginning - to launch - and on wards.
I am here to answer any and all questions about the website and WebWiz@rd so I see a lot of different problems and help find a lot of different solutions.
It warms my heart to have a happy customer launch an awesome new site (even if there was some learning along the way). I have always seen the launch of a new site almost like moving into a new home. It's your space and it represents you - it's a great feeling to finally have it up and running smoothly and looking great (sort of like when you finally finish unpacking and organizing!).
I have recently started congratulating customers on the launch of their new sites using my blog posts. It is my own personal way of encouraging customer success through free marketing.
Many people browse blogs for information or something to read. If they come across a new site launch post and the subject matter interests them they are likely to contact the company.
2015 is going to be a great year for REM. Stay tuned to see even more examples of how customer success comes first!