There is nothing better for your business then a firsthand review from another satisfied customer. Case Studies are a great way to showcase the success that another customer has had with your product. Here are some tips on how to craft a winning case study that keeps new customers pouring in.
Use Your Ideal Customer to Profile
First, you'll want to contact a regular customer who is extremely satisfied with your product or service. The key here, is that you want a customer excited about sharing their success. Ask for their permission to profile their success through a case study that you can share on your website.
What Was the Problem?
Once you have identified your ideal customer, you'll want to outline in detail the specific problem they were facing before purchasing your product or service. Go into detail about the "pain" they were experiencing before they found your company. This will give future customers a chance to truly see if and how you can solve their problem also.
How Did You Solve It?
The second item will want to address is how your product or service solved their problem. Showcase exactly what you did. You also want to showcase the results of your solution. What great benefits is this customer now receiving as a result of what you have to offer?
Traditional case studies are documents that you provide on your website for customers to download. Why not take a different approach and do a video or a blog that highlights this information? The important thing is that you want to provide an enriching experience for a potential customer.
A great Case Study provides detailed and tangible evidence of your product or service. Taking the time to craft a solid Case Study goes a long way towards getting your product into the hands of new customers. At REM we show case studies of our customer's sites on our work page as well as write blogs highlighting featured companies. If you are in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge or Guelph and surrounding areas, give us a call and we can show you what WebWiz@rd can do for your companies success.