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Hi ,
I just wanted to follow as I didn't hear back from you and the session is next week. Please let me know if you want to attend.
sent April 12, 2022 at 11:07am
I’m contacting you today because I assume you are interested in growing as a leader and looking for ways to improve your business.
As you may be aware, I’m a member of a group called the Strategic Partners.
We’ve created a forum where we invite top experts in their field to speak to our clients.
Our next TEAMS Session is on Wednesday May 18th from 8:00 to 9:30am.
It’s provided free as a benefit to our clients and associates. No one is selling anything to anyone!
Our speaker is Jose Tolovi Neto who is the Managing Partner for
Great Place to Work® Canada.
He will teach us how to:
Recruit Stronger Team Members
Build Stronger Employee Retention
Strengthen Employee Relationships
Improve Production and Sales
Increase Client Satisfaction
Develop Stronger Bottom-Line Results
Create Deeper Workplace Satisfaction
You can click here for more details on the session and Jose – if you’re interested in understanding the benefits of creating a great workplace, you’ll find this session invaluable.
Please let me know if you’d like to attend and I will send a TEAM’S meeting invitation.
If you know someone else who might benefit from this or another member of your team you’d like to invite, please let me know and I can also invite them.
Thank you, I hope to see you on the 18th of May at 8:00 AM.
Rob Matlow
519.884.4111 Ext.111
[email protected]