WebWiz@rdry - Ways to maximize the power of your website from REM Web Solutions
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:: In this issue ::
REM Web Solutions is pleased to present the latest issue of WebWiz@rdry, our quarterly online newsletter. The purpose of WebWiz@rdry is to help our subscribers maximize the effectiveness of their web site, thus providing them with expert advice and keeping them current on trends in the web world. WebWiz@rdry also includes a client case study, which, we feel, is a great way to introduce some of the fantastic clients that we work with to all of our subscribers.
This is the third part of a multi-part article on how to improve your search engine rankings (SEO) using WebWiz@rd and other methods.
Part 3 - Alt and Title Tags
My last post was about how to use WebWiz@rd to update the Meta-Tags on your website using the meta-tag module. Part 3 of "How to improve your search engine rankings (SEO) using WebWiz@rd and other methods" will be talking about using alt and title tags, and more specifcally, how to do it in WebWiz@rd
Whenever you insert an image or a link on your website, use keywords to describe the image or link by filling out the “Alternative Text” or “Advisory Title” field to describe it (again, using keywords). This allows the search engines to understand what the image or link is all about.
This is easily done in WebWiz@rd. The first image below shows the "Alternative Text" (aka Alt attribute of an image) field in WebWiz@rd when insterting an image. You should describe what the image is about so the search engines can use those keywords as if it was text on a page.

You can also add a similar feature to links on your website. If can offer a few keywords about what the link is. For example, if you were to create another page to discuss more information about a product you might do something simlar to the below example. When you fill in the "Advisory Title" (aka title attribute of a hyperlink) field it will also allow search engines to understand more about what that link is.

Stay tuned for our next quarterly newsletter where I will start talking about Descriptive page names.
Thank you for your interest in WebWiz@rdry and REM Web Solutions.
Until next time,
Rob Matlow
REM Web Solutions - Providers of WebWiz@rd Content Management
519.884.4111 or 1.866.754.4111
Disk Space and Bandwidth Usage
Many customers come to us with questions about disk space and bandwidth usage. According to Wikipedia, disk space is an amount of computer storage space on random-access memory devices, such as on a hard drive ( Source). For REM customers, this means that their disk space usage is the amount or number of files they have in the WebWiz@rd 3 File Manager.
Wikipedia defines bandwidth as a term used to refer to various bit-rate measures, representing the available or consumed data communication resources expressed in bits per second or multiples of it (bit/s, kbit/s, Mbit/s, Gbit/s, etc.) ( Source). What does this mean to you as an REM Web Solutions customer? Your bandwidth usage, simply put, would be how much traffic your site creates. Or in other words, how many people are visiting your site.
Click here for more information about Web and Email hosting.
Happy New Year from REM Web Solutions!
REM Web Solutions hopes everyone had a fun and safe holiday and we wish you all the best in 2013!
WebWiz@rd 3.2
We are continuing to roll out our new version of WW 3.2 to exisitng WebWiz@rd clients. If you have not yet been contacted, please be patient as we complete the migration process for each site.
Check out our Blog!
We post new blogs each week. Each post is written by one of the REM team members! Read the posts here.
Is Updating Your Website Content a Hassle?
It doesn't have to be! If you are not able to update your web site content by yourself, on your own time, using only basic office computer skills, then you need WebWiz@rd.
REM Web Solutions' WebWiz@rd technology allows small to medium-sized organizations to control their web site content by themselves, without having to pay and consult with a Webmaster. You will also enjoy the benefits of a long-term relationship with experienced web-pros, who are only an email or phone call away when you need help. Contact us today to get WebWiz@rd working for you!
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