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Web Design Kitchener Waterloo Guelph Cambridge AODA Development
This is a headshot of Shauna Ramsaroop.

Holy Banana's!!!! I can't believe how quickly a year has gone by at REM Web Solutions.  Each member of our team has played an integral role in my growth here at REM, personally and professionally, check out some highlights of each team member below!!!



Rob Matlow

There is no question that Rob is most certainly a fantastic leader. His tenacity and passion for our product, and team is not only inspiring, but admirable. Aside from the typical "Boss" roles that he embodies, Rob does a fantastic job supporting our clients and our team. His communication skills are magnificent. I'm grateful for the opportunity to listen to him interact with our clients and team on a daily basis, He has provided me with an abundant amount of knowledge (theoretical and practical) giving me the confidence to communicate with our clients in a fun and professional manner that is kind, but most importantly concise and accurate. He's also fantastic at foosball and a one heck of a shawarma connoisseur!


Jillian McBurney

You know when your oil is getting really low in your car, and it starts to act all wonky, noises start appearing, lights come on, and you get a sense of anxiousness? Well, Jill is basically my oil - when she's not here, I get all wonky, make funny noises, sometimes light bulbs go off in my head, usually saying "ask Jill!! oh wait she abandoned me to go on vacation" and then the anxiousness sets in. Without Jill, our team surely wouldn't run as smoothly, not only is she an amazing project manager, but she has a knack for just making you feel all around better. If I’m struggling through a task at hand, she's always there to have my back and walk me through it, from day one, I was completely overjoyed that I was working closely with her. In my Customer Ambassador role, and now Account Manager, Jill continuously works to find new ways to help me accomplish my goals and strive to set new ones! She is amazing. 


Todd Hannigan

The newest member of our team... and a wonderful one at that. When I moved into the account management position, Todd became the first line of support and training, not only does he know WebWiz@rd inside out, and is fantastic with our clients, Todd's charisma and dedication to the position and our team is admirable. The one interesting thing I've learned from working with Todd is how to hone in on my deductive reasoning. When working with our clients in the support world, one of the most important skills required is being able to sort through issues that some of our clients may be experiencing that may not be the easiest to pinpoint the solution. Todd's line of questioning, and understanding of our products and services is fantastic, and I'm incredibly happy that I get to continue to learn from his ability to help solve our client's issues when they arise. 


Christine Alon

Chrisitini (yes, I call her Christini) is a bundle of awesome! As one of our designers, I absolutely love watching her creative brain in action while she works through a project. One of the most important things I've learned from Christini is her thoroughness when working with our clients. In my role, note-taking is incredibly important, to ensure that I don't miss important requests. Over the year, I've struggled with ways to organize my notes, while reading through hers, I found a system for myself that works incredibly well. On a personal level... this girl can always make me smile, whether it be her making funnies in the office or always a solid go to for snack/chocolate cravings - this girl always has my back!


Sean McParland

Sean is a very quiet person, probably one of the quietest people that I have ever met. An extrovert like myself loves quiet people. Being one of our developers, quietness comes with the territory, over the past year I have had a chance to work with the man of very few words, and when he does speak - the knowledge that he has in his area of expertise is sensational. I may not have learned much about developers, however I have learned that the work that our development does is intricate, it requires focus, and is best completed without zero to little interruption. Sean has taught me that it's okay to be quiet, it's okay to completely disappear into the work that you're doing - because what you can accomplish and create during this time will be nothing short of fantastic!


Ryan Covert

The Covert Operation! Ryan has undoubtedly been a fantastic colleague to work with. As I continue to grow in my position as an Account Manager, I've learned a bunch of new things in terms of the development, and technical side of the services that we offer. Ryan is always there to answer my questions, and provide me with explanations on how things work - explanations that make sense to me! Aside from his wealth of knowledge in our products, he's definitely the one I ask about new gadgets, gaming platforms, and anything that I am potentially purchasing from Best Buy. As the lead developer for our team, Ryan brings a lot to the table, and I'm truly grateful to continue to learn more from him.


Sean Sanderson

He's okay I guess. I'm kidding... he's awesome! As our lead designer, Sean is always cooking up something interesting - whether it be new designs for websites, logo's, or pranks to play on us. Sean has definitely had patience in teaching me the basics on what it takes for our team to design websites. The majority of my position is to find out what it takes from our team in order to make our client's happy. When finding solutions, Sean always takes his time, and runs through each step with me and explains how the work is done, and why. I absolutely love this, because it allows me to communicate with our clients the best options for them. Aside from designing, Sean is a great prankster in the office, he's caught me a couple times... don't worry, we're scheming to get him back!


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