Domain names have been referred to a virtual real-estate.  It can be difficult to find the domain name you want since many people have purchased the good ones under the popular top level domains (TLDs) i.e. .com

Here are some tips to consider when buying a domain name
  1. Pick something that is easy to remember.  What would you think of if you were looking for your company?  Try for your company name or main company products/services. 
  2. Keep it as short as possible.  I laugh when I say this to people since ours is so long.  Sometimes there is nothing you can do if you have a long company name.
  3. Try for a .com first.  This is what people will automatically think of if they are not sure what your website is.  If someone knew our company name is REM Web Solutions then they would likely type in as the website.  If .com is not available try .net or possibly a country specific domain such as .ca.
  4. You can’t use special characters or spaces in domain name.  You can use a hyphen.  It shouldn’t be your first choice but if is gone you can try
  5. Don’t pay too much.  Most domain names should not cost you more the $20 per year.  It varies by the top level domain name type i.e. .com versus .ca, etc.
  6. Try searching for websites that give you suggestions on other domains and can search multiple TLDs.  Do a google search for "domain name registrars."
If you would like REM to purchase a domain name for you and help you choose a name, you can contact us at [email protected] or 1-866-754-4111 for further assistance.