Every company needs to be able to explain to potential customers why they should work with them. It's important to find out what makes you different over your competition. What makes you stand out? Sometimes, it can seem like a little thing that can mean a lot to a potential customer.
For example, how long you have been in business, how you handle customer issues when they come up or the processes you use to accomplish a successful project.
It is important to use that information in your sales pitch and make it clear why you are better but also have it clearly defined in your marketing materials (such as your brochures and website)
There are many great reasons we feel we are worth talking to but here is our "Top 10 reasons to work with us" list from our company brochure.
10) We offer no-charge automatic software updates
9) We listen to your needs
8) We offer unique financing options
7) We have a large list of loyal customers
6) Our solutions offer proven website security
5) Our design are high end and unique
4) We offer unprecedented value
3) Our software offers powerful tools to manage your website
2) We offer unparalleled customer service
1) We offer the easiest Content Management System you will ever use