Everything has a process. Just as cooking has a recipe, web design has its process-- steps that are required in order to produce a great end result. Not only is it important that I am happy with what I created but that it also caters to the clients business.
Every designer has his/her own process but all can attest to one thing…it’s their own! What I see as the ‘right’ process compared to other designers will differ. Every company is different and if you have a dedicated design team then maybe they would like you to follow what they think is right and works for their clients. I have had freedom to maintain my own method as it works great for me.
Usually following a set hierarchy of steps is the only way the process turns out a quality design. As well, veering away from this process might affect the length of time it takes to finish the job completely. This can negatively affect the budget of the entire job and could possibly start snowballing into the development of the site.
In part 2 of “The Web Design Process” I will unveil what works for me--the steps I take to ensure the design lives up to my standards and what our clients come to expect.