While watching the news the other night I heard them describing a new way in which Pizza Hut is empowering customers to order their food - using interactive tables! I was blown away by this idea as 1) I am a big fan of pizza and 2) I have placed orders and been the victim of "wrong-topping syndrome" on more than one occasion.


Obviously this is a brand new concept and I doubt your local Pizza Hut will have this available for use for at least a few years (if ever) but what a cool idea! For more information and to see a video demonstration of how it works please go here.


So, while this a pretty cool idea in the works for the future, we have developed a simple cool online ordering system for local deli called Vincenzo's that you can use now! We have created a "Sandwich Builder" system for them.


Basically, you go to their site, see the specials/available items for the day, then design/build your own sandwich! I love this idea again because 1) I am also a big fan of sandwiches and 2) I am very particular about how my sandwiches are made.


Next time 11:45 rolls around and your stomach starts making those noises, go check out Vincenzo's and build your own sandwich! www.vincenzosonline.com/sandwichBuilder.cfm