Now that the New Year is upon us, it's a great time to think about New Year's resolutions. 


According to Wikipedia, a New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit.  Many popular goals include weight loss; eating healthier; improving finances, grades, or careers; and taking more trips (Source).


Although many people set goals for the New Year, a study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol proved that out of 3000 participants, 88% never reached their goal even though 52% were sure they would succeed when the study began (Source). I, for one, know that I have made many resolutions that never stuck past the 3rd week of the New Year.


Even though this number may seem discouraging, there is one New Year's resolution that REM Web Solutions can help with: building a new website. The New Year is a perfect time to start fresh, whether it's an easier way to control the content of your website or an entirely new look.


If you're interested in a New Year's resolution you can keep, take a look at some of our work and see what interests you!


As for me? It's time to get back to the gym!