File Manager

The File Manager is the module that stores all of the files that are used on a website.  The module has 2 sections; Images and Documents.  This is a wonderful feature as it provides a necessary division between these 2 types of files.

Within each section an Administrator can create a filing system using folders to further organize their files.  The folders are completely independent.  Therefore the filing system that an Administrator creates under Documents doesn't not have to be the same as the filing system created under Images, and vice versa.

The way in which our customers create their folders and organize their files varies depending on their business and the other WebWiz@rd modules that they are using.  For example, if a client has the Banner module and the Photo Gallery module, they typically keep all of their banner images in one folder and their gallery images in another.  Their gallery images are then often further divided depending on the number of galleries they have created.  

Although creating folders is optional, we highly suggest taking advantage of this this feature. Separating your files is far more efficient because you don't have scroll through one giant list to find a specific document or image.

Regardless of how your organize your files, they can be selected at any time in all of the modules that allow, or require, the use of images and documents.

The File Manager is an essential part of the WebWiz@rd system.  Without it users could only add files to their website if the files were directly on their computer.  This module provides flexibility, organization and equal accessibility to the files for all Administrators.

My favourite thing about this module: I love the image thumbnails and the document icons.They make the act of searching for a file much easier and more time efficient.
Some customers that use this module: EVERYONE!
Industries that are well suited for this module: I think it is safe to say that everyone is well suited to use this module since every single one of our clients use it :)
Associated module group: Essential Suite / Secured Content