The creative process abhors stagnation and craves inspiration.
Inspirations are necessary for the creative juices to flow. They're the little sparks that keep the artistic brain-engine going. As a Graphic Designer I look for inspirations for my work and I find them everywhere. Even if it’s not a website, the layout, colours or feeling of something could inspire my next website design.
Here are a few of my top websites I like visiting to reinvigorate my creativity:
Abduzeedo: a blog with a funny name. This website has some great inspirations for not only design, but architecture, art, illustration, typography and a whole lot more. I also like that they have tutorials and a section called “Friday Fresh Free Font.” for downloading free fonts.
Bashooka: a great website for web-specific inspirations, freebies and tutorials. I also like their minimalistic, clean design and colour scheme. Hmm…Bashooka’s colour scheme (mostly black and white with highlights of orange) looks very similar to another website. Hint: the website you’re at right now.
Web Designer Depot: this is a cool website that has a blog, news, freebies, resources and all sorts of neat stuff. It has some very useful tips and tricks for designers. Personally, there are parts of the website that look too busy and advertisement-heavy to me, but I like the layout and bright colour palette.
DeviantArt: This website has pages and galleries for amazing artists! You can find any genre of art here; from traditional paintings of still art to digital, fan-made art. I’ve mentioned before, it’s not just web design that inspires me. I have a background in Classical Illustration, and I find ways to incorporate my art skills into my design because they’re always interrelated. Looking at art helps stimulate all aspects of my creativity.