Maybe it was Joan Rivers or someone else who originated the title of this article. Either way, I am not referring to cosmetic surgery but instead to getting a design update for your website. There is no hard and fast rule as to how long you should take to update the design of your site but there are several factors for you to consider:


- Does it look outdated?

- Have your other marketing materials and/or logo been updated recently?

- Are you just sick of the same old design?

- Does it no longer properly represent the image of your organization?

- Have your products, service or overall messaging changed and is this not properly reflected in the site's overall look and feel?


Really, any one of these items could be reason enough to make a change and prompt a redesign/update/face lift for your site. That being said, we recently updated a client's website that we had originally designed almost 10 years ago. The design was appropriate and cutting edge at the time but an update was definitely warranted in this case. Have a look at the before and after shots below and feel free to browse the site for some great travel deals!





