After 7 months of being first-level support for REM, I have found one of the most commonly asked questions: "What's the difference between Domain Management and DNS Hosting?" Since we offer both of these services, I'd like to take a minute to explain them for you!


Domain Management 

Every website and email address has a domain; in the case of REM Web Solutions, our domain is: It is the most basic and critical aspect to your business' online presence, it is how people find you. REM offers a domain management service to you, and what this means is we register your domain name with a registrar and ensure that your renewals are up to date as well as manage where your domain points to (a.k.a. Nameservers).  


DNS Hosting

At REM we also offer the service of hosting your DNS (we become the Nameserver mentioned above). When I first started working here at REM, DNS Hosting was explained to me as being a phonebook (an analogy that makes complete sense to me!) Basically, every service that comes along with your domain (websites and emails) has specific addresses and numbers to them. When we host your domain, we have a list of all your DNS records. For example: I ask the internet to take me to, the internet looks to the registrar to find the Nameserver, once it knows where to look - in this case REM's DNS server - it goes there and finds the IP address that the website is sitting on, and goes to that address!