I'm thrilled!
I was recently asked to take on the role of Account Manager here at REM.
I'm flattered!
I graciously accepted and have begun transitioning into this new position.
I'm confident!
Given my existing relationship with many of our clients and my strong understanding of the products and services that we provide, I feel that I will do very well. I believe that I will be able to effectively communicate with our clients in order to understand their requests. I believe that I will be able to accurately and thoroughly forward their requests onto the REM team.
I'm a little nervous.
This is a huge opportunity for me. I have over 10 years experience working one-on-one with clients, here at REM and also in my last career as a wedding photographer. I feel comfortable listening to clients "wants" and "needs" and also understand how imperative it is to communicate efficiently without assumptions or guesses. But even with all of my past experience, and excitement toward this new challenge, I am still a little nervous. Perhaps being a bit nervous is a good thing. It will keep me on my toes!
Wish me luck!
Jamie McBurney
June 28, 2013 at 4:04 PM
Good Luck!