Our WebWiz@rd Page Content editor allows you to create "clones" of your website pages.
The most common purpose for creating a clone is to give you the ability to edit your website pages, at your own leisure, without affecting the live pages of your website. Once the clone is edited to your satisfaction, you can make the clone the active (live) version.
If you are in an industry that has a change of services with the change of seasons, consider creating two different versions of your "services" page, (by creating a clone), and activate which ever version is most appropriate based on the time of year.
Perhaps during the spring, summer and fall you provide lawn and landscaping services; grass cutting, seeding, airation, garden maintanence, etc. Create a version of your services page that highlights these services. At the bottom of the page remind your visitors that you also offer snow removal services. Make this version of your services page active between March and October.
Create a clone of your services page but then update it to highlight your winter services; plowing, shovelling, etc. At the bottom of the page don't forget to mention that you also provide lawn and landscaping services. Make this version of your services page active between November and February.
This approach will save you time since you won't have to recreate a new services page multiple times a year. By having two (or more) versions of your page available within WebWiz@rd, it allows you to make quick changes to each version of your services page, (such as pricing updates for example,) and make the most relavent page live at the right time of year.