When it comes to setting up a website, it's necessary to keep your customer in mind. What exactly are they looking for in a product or service? What level of customer service do they need or want? What kind of images are going to appeal to them? Will they appreciate a conversational tone in your content? Or are they going to understand and appreciate technical language? All these things have to be considered when you set up a website. They also have to be considered when you're setting up a mobile-friendly website.


Here are a few questions you might want to ask yourself:

  1. What Age Group Are You Trying to Appeal To? Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone; it doesn't matter whether they're young or old. Of course, young people will use their mobile phone more often. This makes it more important to design a mobile-friendly website if you're selling a product or service for younger people.
  2. Are You a B2B or B2C Company? What kind of product are you selling? B2B, as you may already know, is short for "business to business" while B2C is short for "business to consumer." In both cases, it will help you to have a mobile-friendly website, but it's all the more important if you're selling directly to the consumer because they'll be looking you up in their spare time, when they might only have access to a mobile phone
  3. What Kind of Content Do You Have on Your Website? In some cases, you might have to make a lot of changes to your website to make it mobile-friendly. For example, if you have paragraphs and paragraphs of information on your website, you might have to shorten everything so that it becomes readable on a mobile phone. Bullet points and lists also show up better on a mobile phone (although it's a good idea to use them on any website). Conversational-sounding content is a must on mobile-friendly sites because people don't have the patience to read jargon when they are on the go.

Contact us for more tips to set up a mobile-friendly website for your company.