Many of our clients have asked how they can use the existing Newsletter module to ensure that their newsletter subscriber list is up to date and compliant with the CASL legislation.
Here are the steps that we recommend taking using your existing tools.
Send out a newsletter to everyone on your current subscriber list informing them that they need to re-subscribe in order to remain on your mailing list. You can explain the reason for this action in your own words or include some CASL literature if you prefer.
Immediately after you distribute this newsletter, export your entire list of subscribers and save it as an Excel spreadsheet for future reference.
Once you have saved your subscriber list, delete all of your subscribers from your list. This is crucial as users will not be able to re-subscribe if their information is found on the list.
As quick way to do this is to import an empty spreadsheet to replace the existing list.
As people begin to re-subscribe the date and time in which they re-subscribed will be automatically added to the system. These details can be found beside the "Express Consent Date" within "Subscriber Information".
As people begin to re-subscribe, delete them from your original excel spreadsheet.
Copy all of the email addresses from your updated spreadsheet and paste them into the free-form "add recipients" field under the "Distribute" link under "Manage Newsletters". Distribute your follow up newsletter.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you are content with your list.
If you have any questions about this process, please email or call Support.