Dear ,
The results are in!
We had an overwhemingly positive response to our Holiday Pixel Stocking 2017 event, and as a result we have donated over $1200.00 worth of toys to Toys for Tots charity, providing numerous children with much needed holiday cheer this year.
Every team member had designed a digital pixel stocking themed for the Holidays, and had a blast doing it! You had the chance to take a look, cast a vote, and if you liked, left a comment here on the blog about what you thought. We took $2.00 for every vote we received and used that towards purchasing the toys which we donated.
The winner (or staff member who ended up receiving the most votes) was Sean Sanderson with his Charlie Brown stocking, so congratulations to him on making the most popular pixel stocking! Feel free to have another look.

REM Web Solutions would just like to thank everyone who voted in the contest this year, without your votes none of this would have been possible. Thanks for your continued support, and we look forward to the next holiday event.
REM Web Solutions